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I purchased a bottle of cold-pressed, organic, virgin Rosehip Seed Oil from Amazon and have been very pleased with it. It came in a dark bottle to keep it from spoiling and with a dropper built...
I purchased a bottle of cold-pressed, organic, virgin Rosehip Seed Oil from Amazon and have been very pleased with it. It came in a dark bottle to keep it from spoiling and with a dropper built...
The light minera! Oil I get from my chemist (they have one for skin specifically) is different from the baby oil and laxative verdsions. The latter break me out even if rinsed off immediately. I...
The light minera! Oil I get from my chemist (they have one for skin specifically) is different from the baby oil and laxative verdsions. The latter break me out even if rinsed off immediately. I...
This deep emerald-coloured oil has been repurchased many times over the years. I use it in a blend or as a spot treatment. For either use, the amount required is very little indeed. Hence, a bottle...
This deep emerald-coloured oil has been repurchased many times over the years. I use it in a blend or as a spot treatment. For either use, the amount required is very little indeed. Hence, a bottle...
A very good option for very dry skin folk, my husband loves it after a shave. I use the Shea Life brand and it's fab. I recommend checking out Humble Bee and Me (Marie) on YouTube, she has the best...
A very good option for very dry skin folk, my husband loves it after a shave. I use the Shea Life brand and it's fab. I recommend checking out Humble Bee and Me (Marie) on YouTube, she has the best...
I have only noticed a positive effect on my hair growth from taking biotin, not on my skin or nails. Don't make the mistake of starting off with too strong of a dose, I did and wound up with...
I have only noticed a positive effect on my hair growth from taking biotin, not on my skin or nails. Don't make the mistake of starting off with too strong of a dose, I did and wound up with...
Twice in my life I’ve bought biotin supplements for hair growth and twice they have caused me endless acne. I think I’ve finally learned my lesson.
Twice in my life I’ve bought biotin supplements for hair growth and twice they have caused me endless acne. I think I’ve finally learned my lesson.
I've been curious about castor oil (cheap and cheerful) for brows and lashes and finally decided to give it a try. I purchased a bottle of Ecla brand from Amazon for $12 for a bottle that will...
I've been curious about castor oil (cheap and cheerful) for brows and lashes and finally decided to give it a try. I purchased a bottle of Ecla brand from Amazon for $12 for a bottle that will...
Edit 12/15/23: I have become allergic to this product. I don’t know why; I have multiple allergens yet this product appears to contain none of them. This gives me an itchy red rash immediately...
Edit 12/15/23: I have become allergic to this product. I don’t know why; I have multiple allergens yet this product appears to contain none of them. This gives me an itchy red rash immediately...
Castor oil did nothing to my lashes. Later I enlarged my eyelashes thanks to the other serum, which is easy to get. I’ve used Castor oil on my lashes and brows. Lashes I didn’t notice a difference...
Castor oil did nothing to my lashes. Later I enlarged my eyelashes thanks to the other serum, which is easy to get. I’ve used Castor oil on my lashes and brows. Lashes I didn’t notice a difference...
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