Blond Brilliance Temporary Color Care Lathering Toner
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9 years ago

I am surprised by the mixed reviews, as well. If your lightened hair has gone brassy or yellowy and you want to neutralize it, this does an excellent job. It's very powerful, takes five minutes,...

Blond Brilliance Temporary Color Care Lathering Toner
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10 years ago

I purchased the Blond Brilliance Color Care Warm Blond Lathering Toner to keep the gold shades in my color lightened blonde hair and it turned it into a dull blonde that I had to bleach out....

Blond Brilliance Temporary Color Care Lathering Toner
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10 years ago

This is essentially a sulfate free toning shampoo! (The platinum). It's stronger than shimmer lights and counter parts but w/o harsh sulfates. Still seemed to dry hair (hence my 4 not 5 stars) but...

Blond Brilliance Temporary Color Care Lathering Toner
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11 years ago

I recently dyed my dark brown Asian hair to blonde which did quite a number on my hair. Brassy and dry, this definitely toned down the brassyness but it didn't help with the dryness. I highly...